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Christmas opening hours

Our council offices will be closed from 3pm on Tuesday 24th December until 8.30am on Monday 30th December. See our Christmas opening hours page for further details.

On reaching 90 by Mary Lapworth

Mary Lapworth , 16 October 2023 11:11

I will say goodbye to the things I can't do,

Now that I'm older.......more sensible too!

Goodbye to wild camping on Highlands and moors,

Was it really such fun in a heavy downpour?

Or sleep in the open, with heather under head......

Think I'd rather be at home in my warm comfy bed.

I've watched the sun rise from a lonely hill top,

And spent a whole year backpacking in Europe.

I've had my adventures so now I don't care,

For climbing up mountains...... I can still climb the stairs!


I think I'll say adieu to partying all night,

Or getting totally plastered, dear me! What a sight!

And would I really want to feel that ill again?

These days I need to be in bed by 10.00.

I'll no longer wear short skirts or very High heels.......

At 90, I suspect I've lost my Man appeal.

But I'll certainly say goodbye to boring grey hair.....

Maybe I'll go magenta or orange for a dare.

I won't feel shy, self-conscious, or bored,

Stupid or worried about being ignored.

And I won't spend my time with those unfriendly to me.....

Life's too short to waste on the wrong company.

Last modified: 16 October 2023 11:11

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