Final destination?
Our onboarding project has finished, but is it the final destination for this work?

Back in October 2022 we started to look at transforming how we onboard new staff.
We launched a minimum viable product in December 2022, and have been building the service ever since.
So far it's been used for 335 colleagues, saving time across our organisation by bringing together:
- approval from a senior manager
- requesting references
- requesting an ID badge
- requesting an access card for our buildings
- requests to our IT service to create an Active Directory account
- processing by HR
- processing by Payroll
all into one process.
This month we closed down the project, so is that the end for this work?
In a word, no!
Whilst it needed a project to complete the main aims of the work (given how many teams across the organisation were involved), we'll continue to improve the process and incorporate more elements into it.
If you'd like to know more about this work, please leave a comment below or email
(The image of a train used on this page was taken by Shilpy Arora, published under (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence)
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