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Draft West Berkshire Statement of Gambling Principles 2025-2028

Have your say.

Consultation status Results published
Start date: 2024-07-18
End date: 2024-09-12
Results 2024-11-29

Activity closed. Results published.


We, along with all other licensing authorities, are required to prepare, adopt and publish a "Statement of Gambling Principles" (SoGP) setting the approach to applications under the Gambling Act 2005 (hereafter known as The Act) and the information applicants are expected to provide.

The SoGP seeks to promote the guidance set out by the Gambling Commission and the three licensing objectives of:

  • preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime
  • ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
  • protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

The policy guides the administration of licensing under The Act and helps to ensure that an appropriate balance is drawn between the interests of those wishing to provide and take part in legal gambling, and those who might be adversely affected by such activities.

Under The Act, we are required to review our policy at least every three years or when we believe the policy requires updating. The current policy period ends on Friday, 31 January 2025.

The current SoGP has not been the subject of any legal challenge or complaint. It is therefore considered that the current Statement of Gambling Principles remains fit for purpose and only minor amendments are proposed. However, s.349 (3) Gambling Act 2005 requires a licensing authority to consult when "preparing a statement or revision".

How we developed our draft policy

The SoGP must be formulated in accordance with, and reflect, the guidance issued by the Gambling Commission and the Government Codes of Practice. The principles essentially inform the processes that we would normally follow in conducting our duties as the Licensing Authority. 

Licensing authorities have powers to license gambling premises within their area, as well as undertaking functions in relation to lower stake gambling machines and clubs. The Act also provides for a system of Temporary Use Notices which authorise premises that are not licensed generally for gambling purposes to be used for certain types of gambling for strictly limited periods.

The current SOGP was comprehensively reviewed in 2022 to reflect the updated Guidance published by the Gambling Commission. No substantive changes have been made, only the figure for the district's population data has been amended and definitions around gaming machine classifications have been added to the glossary.

Why we want your views

We'd like your views on our Icon for pdf draft policy [480KB] . It's by hearing from local people that we can make the changes needed to ensure our policy is fit for purpose and reflective of the needs in our local area.

How to take part

You can view/download the draft policy document here.

If you'd like to comment on the draft policy or have any questions, please email, or write to Mrs Moira Fraser, Public Protection Partnership, Theale Library, Church Street, Theale, Berkshire, RG7 5BZ

All responses must reach us by Friday, 12 September 2024 if they are to be considered.


Any personal information you choose to provide will be kept confidential and used in accordance with our privacy notice.

What happens next

Your feedback will be used to inform the final policy when it is submitted for consideration by elected members at the Licensing Committee on Monday, 4 November 2024. The Licensing Committee will then recommend that Full Council adopt the policy, with or without revisions, at their meeting on Thursday, 28 November 2024.

The revised policy must be published before Friday, 31 January 2025 and will be available on our Strategies, Policies and Plans webpage.

What you told us

We received 6 responses to the consultation. You can read the detailed responses in our outcome document.

What we did

All feedback will be used to inform the final policy when it is submitted for consideration by elected members at the Licensing Committee on Monday, 4 November 2024. The Licensing Committee will then recommend that Full Council adopt the policy, with or without revisions, at their meeting on Thursday, 28 November 2024.

The revised policy must be published our Strategies, Policies and Plans page and on the Public Protection Partnership website.

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