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Educational Psychology in Schools, Colleges and Early Years


Who we help

Educational Psychologists work with mainstream pupils aged 0-18 and pupils with EHCs aged 0-25.

This could include those: 

  • at risk of permanent exclusion
  • in care
  • in vulnerable groups who have complex learning or behaviour needs, including those eligible for pupil premium
  • with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEHM) difficulties
  • who have severe, complex and persistent needs where the school is struggling to overcome the barriers to progress
  • Who are struggling to attend school (Icon for pdf Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) [5MB] )

EPs can also support schools and school staff directly in a number of ways including:

Due to staffing not all of these areas are currently being delivered.

We also work in partnership with professionals from other agencies working in educational settings and the community. Providing support for other teams and organisations who work with children and young people and promoting an understanding of psychology and through commissioned work - e.g. work with the Children in Care (CIC) team.

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