Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (T)
The responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information has been redacted from the responses.
A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | U-V | W | Y
Tate, Denyse (1335039) [49KB]
Tate, John (1334738) [195KB]
Taylor, Steve G (1257436) [44KB]
Tayton, Chris (1335348) [13KB]
Teal, Philip (1256679) [229KB]
Test Valley Borough Council (1098653) [157KB]
Thakeham Homes (1277887) [3MB]
Thames Water (958613) [16MB]
Thatcham Medical Practice (860305) [120KB]
Thatcham Town Council (1269287) [10MB]
The Coal Authority (1150074) [96KB]
The Planning Bureau obo McCarthy Stone (1335092) [94KB]
The Woodland Trust (1221958) [2MB]
Theale Parish Council (1260002) [85KB]
Theatres Trust (1159025) [17KB]
Thomas, Philip (1335178) [273KB]
Thomas, Sian (1335232) [289KB]
Thompson, Peter (1274810) [110KB]
Thornycroft, Barry (1335014) [11KB]
Thorpe, Anthony (1335335) [46KB]
Thorpe, Sharon (1334436) [47KB]
Tilehurst NDP Steering Group (1335681) [118KB]
Tilehurst Parish Council (1071064) [118KB]
Tim North & Associates Limited (1335035) [104KB]
Tipper, KP & JP (1334904) [10KB]
Titheridge, James (1335652) [458KB]
Tocher, Caroline (1259887) [15KB]
Tompkins, Clare (1335302) [12KB]
Tompkins, Mark (1334879) [171KB]
Tott, Gregory (1335287) [12KB]
Tott, Rachel (1271852) [11KB]
Town & Manor of Hungerford (1333778) [218KB]
TOWN obo Pincents Lane (1059032) [18MB]
Townsend, James (1335296) [215KB]
Transport for London (1160507) [130KB]
Treen, David (1335283) [3MB]
Treen, Julia (1335313) [11KB]
Tritschler, Elizabeth (1269166) [180KB]
Troeller, Gordian (1265273) [195KB]
Troeller, Vanessa (1335334) [66KB]
Truby, Jen (1260504) [17KB]
Tucker, Toby & Jayne (1335434) [170KB]
Turford, James (1335291) [88KB]
Turley obo Donnington New Homes (32050) [615KB]
Turley obo Hathor Property (1305887) [13MB]
Turley obo Panattoni (1275019) [3MB]
Turley obo Pangbourne College (860387) [3MB]
Turner, Caz (1335391) [10KB]
Turner, Steph (1334795) [14KB]
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