Rubbish and waste reduction

Rubbish Collections Image

Rubbish collections

Your black bin is for non-recyclable household waste. Black bins are collected every other week.

Ask about bins or recycling

General queries about your rubbish and recycling or missed collections.

Bulky waste collections

Collection of large or bulky items, such as sofas, fridges or mattresses.

Reducing your waste

Tips and advice on how you can reduce and reuse your waste.

Apply for a larger black rubbish bin

Use this form to request a larger rubbish bin. If we assess that your application demonstrates a need, we will supply you with a larger rubbish bin.

Missed rubbish or recycling collection

Updates on rubbish, recycling, garden waste or weekly food waste collections and how to report a missed collection.

Clinical household waste

Our clinical waste collection service for use by people receiving medical treatment at home.

Hazardous waste and asbestos

Disposing of waste considered dangerous or harmful to the environment, including asbestos.

Apply for assisted waste collection

Help for elderly or less able residents who struggle to put their rubbish and recycling out on collection days.

Sack collections

Rubbish and recycling collections for properties with sacks.

Commercial waste

Businesses have a duty of care to dispose of rubbish responsibly.

Apply for a real nappy pack

Request your free real nappy pack.

Waste Strategy

Our waste strategy sets out the long-term vision for the management of the rubbish which we all throw away.

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