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DHSC Winter Plan for Adult Social Care (Adobe pdf files) November 2021 Adult Social Care (People) West Berkshire Council West Street House, West Street, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1BZ Please ask for: Paul Coe Direct L...
A_Collaborative Working with The Complaints and Public Liaison Officer1 (Adobe pdf files) Working with the Complaints and Public Liaison Manager Information Sharing A complaint is an opportunity to improve and may signal a problem. The ...
A_Collaborative Working with Healthwatch1 (Adobe pdf files) Working with Healthwatch West Berkshire HWWB is the independent watchdog for people who use Health and Social care services in West Berkshire. HWW...
A_Collaborative Working with Safeguarding1 (Adobe pdf files) Working between Safeguarding and the CQT Information Sharing When the Safeguarding Team are notified of a potential safeguarding matter they will ...
Appendix 1_CQT leaflet (Adobe pdf files) is a CQ1? A CQ1 is a form which is available to the public and professionals to raise TheTCeaaremQuality any concern, issue, omission, or error in Adult So...
Speed management we measure speeding on our roads, and steps we (or Parish/Town Councils) might take to make them safer.
Freedom of Information request - Council spending & liability (Adobe pdf files) SPENDING Freedom of Information request - Council spending & liability FOI
Statement of Community Involvement out the process and methods for community involvement for different types of plans and for different stages of plan preparation.
Core Documents List (Adobe pdf files) Documents List
CD7.18 Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 (Adobe pdf files) Transport Plan for West Berkshire 2011-2026 1 2 Contents 1. Introduction 5 2. Overview of West Berkshire’s Third Local Transport Plan 8 3. Vision Statemen...