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Community Champion awards 2024 Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community. They honour those individ...
Supporting rough sleepers this winter cold weather we work hard to support rough sleepers by providing a warm place to stay. Our Winter Plan and Severe Weather Emergency Protocol, or SWEP, is...
Travel by bus for free over the festive season help you get ready for a jolly holiday season, we are once again offering free bus travel in West Berkshire! On Saturdays 16 November, 14 December and 21 De...
Using AI to improve local services - with people always in control West Berkshire Council we're starting to use artificial intelligence (AI) to assist our staff - making work more efficient and helping improve the services y...
Support for parents and babies during the first 1001 days first 1001 days of a baby's life include pregnancy and their first two years. There is clear, compelling evidence that this is a significant and influential...
The Digital West Berkshire Magazine - Spring / Summer 2024 to the new Your West Berkshire magazine. As the Acting Leader of West Berkshire Council, it gives me great pleasure to introduce this new magazine. It's...
The Digital West Berkshire Magazine - Autumn / Winter 2024 to the Your West Berkshire magazine - Autumn / Winter 2024 Edition At West Berkshire Council we have ten Executive councillors, each taking responsibili...
Your West Berkshire magazine West Berkshire is a magazine bringing you news and events from West Berkshire Council. Your West Berkshire is a magazine bringing you news and events from ...
West Berkshire Customer Charter
ASC Client Tick Sheet (Excel documents) Operator name Contract Name Month Please mark boxes below with number 1 if client travelled Date Client names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1...