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Faraday Road Plans (Adobe pdf files) A3 Play Area Garage Industrial Estate Sub Station Electricity Allotment Gardens Newspaper House FB Sluice 75.3m FB 75.1m 75.2m Pa th (u m) 3Q 1Q River Kennet ...
Cultural and Heritage Strategy 2020-2030 (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Cultural Heritage Strategy 2020-2030 2 Contents Foreword 3 Vision 5 Introduction 6 Covid-19 Pandemic 7 Strategy Delivery – A Phased Approach 8 De...
31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 7 (Adobe pdf files), HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, CA17, CA16, REGISTER 31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 7 catalogue of highway deposits to prevent dedication of public right...
31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 8 (Adobe pdf files), HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, REGISTER, CA16, CA17 31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 8 catalogue of highway deposits to prevent dedication of public right...
31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 9 (Adobe pdf files) 31A HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 REGISTER CATALOGUE PART 9 31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue Part 9 section 31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue part 9
Report Dog Fouling dog fouling in public places on our Public Protection Partnership (PPP) website.
Make an Historic Environment Record (HER) Enquiry questions about archaeological sites, ancient monuments, historic buildings and landscapes for development, land management or research purposes This page i...
Step by step guide to the Heritage Gateway to search for historic environment information, including data in the West Berkshire HER, on the Heritage Gateway portal.
The West Berkshire Historic Environment Record (HER) primary index of the physical remains of past human activity in West Berkshire.
The Heritage in West Berkshire Report work being done to highlight, promote and understand heritage assets in our parishes (2015)