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About Birchwood Care Home about Birchwood Care Home in Newbury.
Accessible Information Standard about the Accessible Information Standard and its aims
About Willows Edge Care Home about Willows Edge Care Home in Newbury
The Newbury & District 3 Service - Newbury to Hungerford service, operated under contract to West Berkshire Council, runs through beautiful countryside and villages.
The Newbury & District 4 Service - Newbury to Lambourn service, operated under contract to West Berkshire Council, runs Monday to Saturday approximately every two hours from early morning to early evening.
The jet black 1 Service - Newbury to Reading Monday to Sunday service is operated by Reading Buses. Monday to Saturday service is every 30 minutes and the Sunday service is hourly.
West Berkshire Community Connect - Newbury to the Northwest Downlands Monday to Friday bus service is a bit different. It is an on-demand service. You must pre book your seat on this service.
Higher Education guide about Higher Education for pupils with SEND and information about EHCP's.
8 tips for staying safe online computers, smartphones or tablets has made everyday activities such as shopping, banking, paying bills and keeping in touch fast and easy ... anytime, any...
Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) about the role of an Independent Reviewing Officer.