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Report a concern about a child or young person to do and who to contact if you have concerns about a child or young person.
What to Expect: Family Group Conferences for families about what to expect at a Family Group Conference (FGC).
Where to Find Us where our teams are based and find their contact details.
The Family Safeguarding Service the family safeguarding service does and how we can help you
Stockcross Active Travel Path (Stockcross to A4): Pre-Construction Feedback your say
2024-25 TTRO application form (Documents) TTRO application form
Safeguarding Adults Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) ADULTS LEAFLET Safeguarding Adults Leaflet A publicity leaflet raising awareness of Safeguarding Adults
Supported living accommodation offered by Sovereign Housing (Adobe pdf files) of the supported living properties available through Sovereign Housing may look like this: You could live on your own or in a shared house with a furnished...
Statutory Guidance for Designated Teacher - Feb 2018 (Adobe pdf files) designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children The designated teacher for looked- after and previously looked-after children Statu...
Four Houses Corner planning permission update to redevelop a traveller site have been approved Plans to redevelop a traveller site in Ufton Nervet to provide modern, fit-for-purpose facilities, have b...