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HECA WVD - Winterbourne Valley and Downs (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECA, WVD HECA WVD - Winterbourne Valley and Downs Historic Environment Character Area Document ArchaeologyA...
HECA WDP - Wooded Downs Plateau (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECA, WDP HECA WDP - Wooded Downs Plateau Historic Environment Character Area Document ArchaeologyArchaeolog...
HECA VSW - Valleys South West (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECA, VSW HECA VSW - Valleys South West Historic Environment Character Area Document ArchaeologyArchaeologic...
HECA EKW - Enborne Kennet Watershed (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area EKW Enborne-Kennet Watershed Topography, Geology and Soils This area is the eastern end of the watershed between the Enborne...
HECA PTP - Pang Thames Plateau (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area PTP Pang-Thames Plateaux Topography, Geology and Soils This area contains a series of dry valleys and watersheds between the...
HECA SG - Sulham Gap (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECA, SG HECA SG - Sulham Gap Historic Environment Character Area Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, ...
HECA N - Newbury (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Area N Newbury Topography, Geology and Soils This area is defined by the built-up area of Newbury and its urban fringe incorporat...
Apply to Rename Your House existing homeowners to apply to rename their house.
Apply to name a Street, Building or House developers and owners to apply to name a Street, Building or House
Weekly Decisions List 01/07/2024 (Adobe pdf files) Taken during week ending 28/06/2024 Decision Case Decision Application Issued Officer Proposal Site Address Type Decision 27/06/2024 Alice Attwood Cer...