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Ukraine Family Scheme about Ukraine Family Scheme that allows applicants to join family members in the UK.
Community Connect - a new flexible bus service Connect is a new on-demand bus service which puts more control in the hands of passengers. Launched earlier this year, Community Connect is a move awa...
Summer Fun for things to do for children and young people this summer? Here are a few ideas... Cycle Training Bikeability sessions help young people grow more conf...
Staying safe in and around water is a great time of the year to remind children about the water safety code to help them. You can find out more by visiting the Water Safety Code website ...
Time to road signs to shine of our road signs will be getting a scrub this year as part of a new maintenance programme. You may have noticed that some are beginning to look a little g...
Designated wheelchair-accessible hackney carriages (taxis) and private hire vehicles of wheelchair-accessible taxis and private hire vehicles in West Berkshire (downloadable PDF file).
Housing advice: domestic abuse advice and options for people affected by domestic abuse.
Housing advice: mental health advice and support for those struggling with their mental health.
Housing advice: mortgages and information on mortgages and the support available if you're struggling to pay your mortgage.
Housing advice: care leavers and young people and advice on housing options for young people and care leavers.