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Alcohol and Drug Support to change alcohol or drug use, including local and national support and homelessness support.
At risk of homelessness: how we can help the housing team can help in different housing situations, if you're at risk of homelessness, including financial issues or a relationship breakdown.
Rough sleeping Berkshire Council is committed to preventing and ending rough sleeping in the area.
What to do after a homelessness decision on what happens next after we've made a decision on your homelessness application, including what to do if you disagree with our decision.
The Homelessness Reduction Act (2017) about the Homelessness Reduction Act (2017), what duties we have as a council and how this impacts homelessness applications.
Private renting: illegal eviction, retaliatory eviction and harassment on your rights as a private tenant if your landlord is illegally or retaliatory evicting you, or harassing you.
Find childcare: out of school clubs about out of school clubs, what they do and where to find providers.
Find childcare: day nursery about day nursery, choosing a providers and where to find providers.
Find childcare: pre-school (playgroup) about pre-school/playgroup, choosing a providers and where to find providers.
Find childcare: maintained nursery school about maintained nursery schools and where to find providers.