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Reward and Recognition celebrate your achievements and ensure your hard work is acknowledged through a variety of reward and recognition initiatives.
Your Wellbeing health and happiness matter—explore the comprehensive support we offer to help you maintain a balanced, fulfilling work life.
Our Values recruit individuals who embody our values of integrity, fairness, and customer focus when serving the community.
Our Hiring Process about our clear, structured recruitment process, designed to ensure fairness and transparency for all candidates.
Equal Opportunities are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, offering equal opportunities for all.
Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan of a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Stratfield Mortimer
Sandleford Park Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) principles for development at Sandleford Park, as guided by the Core Strategy.
Town Centres and High Streets our town centres and high streets to meet the needs of existing and future residents and businesses.
Finance, Property and Procurement Reporting & Property, Financial Management, Revenues & Benefits and Procurement & Commissioning
Strategy, ICT and Governance, ICT & Governance is a diverse service area which includes a wide range of functions, many of which the council has a legal duty to undertake.