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Learner entitlement card (Adobe pdf files) Learning in West Berkshire Learner Entitlement Card Complaints Procedure Please raise any concerns about your learning experience with your course tut...
Disabled Facilities Grants for a grant to help a disabled person live more independently in their own home
Contact the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) details for the Home Improvement Agency (HIA).
AI Open Source're starting to release our code to integrate generative artificial intelligence as open source
Long Lane Governor Vacancy (Adobe pdf files) am chair of Long Lane Primary School governing board and we are currently looking for new co- opted school governors to join the board. Long Lane is a primary...
Spending plans for 2024/25 approved by Council budget will deliver cleaner road signs, a cheaper garden waste collection service, contactless bus payments, active travel schemes, and much more. Spending ...
Draft Council Strategy 2023-27 together
Insurance Guidance you got the right insurance? We've produced some to help you make sure you've got the correct insurance to be able to carry out additional services and tas...
Carrying out local services and tasks and guidance to help you complete services and tasks We've put together a selection of information and guidance to help you complete risk assessments, us...
Case Studies about Devolution Deal successes across West Berkshire