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Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (September 2024) (Adobe pdf files) WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2025-2032 FOR CONSULTATION (SEPTEMBER 2024) Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 for Consultation (September 2024) Draft Wa...
Equity impact assessment template (Documents) template you can download and fill in for making an equity impact assessment.
SEND Local Offer User Survey 2024 - summary of responses (Adobe pdf files) LOCAL OFFER USER SURVEY 2024 - SUMMARY OF RESPONSES SEND Local Offer User Survey 2024 - summary of responses SEND Local Offer User Survey 2024 - summary of...
Declaration of result Cold Ash - Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Adobe pdf files) OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Cold Ash Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I, Nigel Lynn, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held o...
Declaration of Result Hermitage - Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Adobe pdf files) OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Hermitage Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I, Nigel Lynn, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held ...
Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Explore options to deliver Adult Social Care (ASC) Resource Centre services through an alternative provider or in a different way (Adobe pdf files) IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR BUDGET PROPOSAL 2025/26: EXPLORE OPTIONS TO DELIVER ADULT SOCIAL CARE (ASC) RESOURCE CENTRE SERVICES THROUGH AN ALTERNATIVE PROVIDE...
Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Create a voluntary charitable contribution (via Council Tax payments) scheme (Adobe pdf files) IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR BUDGET PROPOSAL 2025/26: CREATE A VOLUNTARY CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION (VIA COUNCIL TAX PAYMENTS) SCHEME Equity Impact Assessment for ...
Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Increase some Adult Social Care (ASC) fees above the rate of inflation (Adobe pdf files) IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR BUDGET PROPOSAL 2025/26: INCREASE SOME ADULT SOCIAL CARE (ASC) FEES ABOVE THE RATE OF INFLATION Equity Impact Assessment for Budget...
Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Cease the Adult Respite in the Community (ARC) Service (Adobe pdf files) IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR BUDGET PROPOSAL 2025/26: CEASE THE ADULT RESPITE IN THE COMMUNITY (ARC) SERVICE Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/2...
Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Reduce the number of winter gritting routes (Adobe pdf files) IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR BUDGET PROPOSAL 2025/26: REDUCE THE NUMBER OF WINTER GRITTING ROUTES Equity Impact Assessment for Budget Proposal 2025/26: Reduce t...