School admissions and places
Applying for Primary School Places
Find out how to apply for a reception year school place in an infant or primary school, or a year three place in a junior school.
Applying for Secondary School Places
Find out how to apply for a Year 7 secondary school place.
Apply for a School Place
Request a place for a child at a primary or secondary school
School Catchment Areas
Maps and information about primary and secondary school catchment areas.
Apply for an In-year School Place
Applying for a school place outside of the normal admissions timescales
School Admission Data
Data on the number of applications and offers made for infant, junior and secondary schools in the normal admission round
School Admission Arrangements
Information about admissions arrangements (rules and procedures) for different types of school, documents relating to admissions schemes and policies.
Pupil Placement Panel
Allocating places for vulnerable and/or hard to place West Berkshire pupils