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e-Books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines and e-newspapers

Titles available from BorrowBox, Libby and PressReader. PLEASE NOTE: we will be making some changes to our e-library in April to make it easier for you to find titles you enjoy. We recommend that you read your current titles before 31 March as existing loans and reservations may not carry over to the new service.

borrow box logo

E-Books and E-Audiobooks from BorrowBox

Read or listen to books for free from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Click to visit BorrowBox

Libby Logo

E-Books and E-Audiobooks from Libby

Read or listen to books and magazines for free from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Click to visit Libby

Libby Logo

E-Magazines from Libby

Download magazines for free from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Click to visit Libby

Press Reader Logo

E-Newspapers and Magazines from PressReader

Read full digital copies of e-newspapers and magazines from around the world for free from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Click to visit PressReader


You can borrow all of these resources FREE with your library card and PIN   

  1. Download the relevant apps from the Apple app store for iOS users and Google Play store for Android users.  If you have a Kindle tablet (such as Kindle Fire), you can download the apps from Amazon.
  2. Search for West Berkshire Libraries
  3. Login with your library card and PIN to:
    • search and browse thousands of titles to read or listen to online, or download to read offline when you are on the go
    • reserve a title if it's out - we'll email you when it's available

There are no late return fees and we are always adding new titles to our collection, so keep checking to see what's new! If you need any assistance getting started, you can find online guides to using BorrowBox, Libby and PressReader on our YouTube channel

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