Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place every year in May and it's a chance to focus on what we can all do to have a good mental health and wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 takes place on 13-19 May, and this year's theme is Movement: Moving more for our mental health. Moving more can increase your energy, reduce stress and anxiety and boost your self-esteem.

Mental Health Awareness Week provides a good opportunity to talk about your mental health and wellbeing with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Anyone can talk about mental health! Starting conversations about how we are feeling is really important, and getting support early can prevent problems from getting worse. 

For Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, commit to be a little bit more active this week, and notice how you feel when you're moving your body. You can start small by spending more time outside, maybe meet a friend for a walk. Or perhaps there is a new exercise class or activity that you've always wanted to try. You can find more ideas on our Physical Activity and Weight Management pages.

We are asking our residents the question: "How does movement make you feel?" Do share your answers on our social media channels and use these hashtags #movingmore #MHAWwestberks #MomentsForMovement

The charity Mental Health Foundation has resources and information about Mental Health Awareness Week on their website. 


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