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Licence for Scaffolding on the Highway - S.169 Licence information about and apply for a licence for scaffolding on roads, public rights of way, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Licence for Hoarding - S.172 Licence information about and apply for a licence for hoardings on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Licence to Carry Out Works on, in or over a Highway - Section 115E information about and apply for a licence to carry out work to roads, pavements, public rights of way, off road footpaths and verges
West Berkshire Concessionary Fares Operator Scheme (Adobe pdf files) FARES, OPERATOR SCHEME West Berkshire Concessionary Fares Operator Scheme Concessionary Fares, Operator Scheme
FAQs on street residential electric vehicle charging points Jul23 (Adobe pdf files) on street residential electric vehicle charging points Which streets will receive chargepoints? Local residents, Councils and Councillors have contacted th...
Apply to replace a Lost or Damaged Bus Pass us if you've lost or damaged your older people's or disabled person's bus pass Our explains more about how we use the data you give us in this form. Pleas...
Resident Permit Guidelines (Documents), PERMIT, GUIDELINES, HELP, PARKING Resident Permit Guidelines Guidelines for applying for a resident permit.
Resident Parking Permit - List of Zones and Roads (Documents), ROADS, PARKING, ZONE, SCHEME, RESIDENT Resident Parking Permit - List of Zones and Roads Zones and roads in the resident parking permit scheme.
MiPermit Terms and Conditions (Documents) & CONDITIONS FOR RESIDENTS PARKING PERMITS You must reside at the address you have applied for. The vehicle must be registered (V5 registration document a...
Season Ticket Prices May 2024 (Adobe pdf files) 2024