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Highway records and searches to find information on adopted roads, rights of way and traffic schemes and making highway search enquiries.
Cycleway and footway improvement schemes us create better spaces for cycling and walking by giving us your views.
Active travel and improvements to encourage and enable more walking, wheeling and cycling.
National Bus Strategy Targets Progress April 2024 (Adobe pdf files) BUS STRATEGY WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCIL TARGET PROGRESS: APRIL 2024 The Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) identifies a number of targets which ...
Enhanced Partnership Forum - February 2024 (Adobe pdf files), ENHANCED PARTNERSHIP, BUSES, NATIONAL BUS STRATEGY Enhanced Partnership Forum - February 2024 Notes from the Enhanced Partnership Forum held on 29 February ...
Highways Development Control Development Control helps to assess the impact of planning applications on, and supervises changes to, our highway and transport infrastructure.
Changing the name of your property you can change the name of your property or apply for a property alias
Assessing the impact of planning applications on highways and transport infrastructure we assess and manage the impact any planning applications and new developments might have on the nearby highways and traffic systems.
Street naming and numbering that streets are named and properties are numbered.
Changing or adding to a highway the design and construction of changes or additions to an existing highway for new developments.