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Autism: Sources of Help and Support about diagnosis, sources of support and links to further advice
West Berkshire Everyone Active Discount leisure centre discount for residents of West Berkshire.
Report a Pothole us know about a pothole, surface defect or other problem with a road
Current Pavement Cafe Licences application forms and associated plans for pavement cafe licences received in the past 12 months.
Apply for the Household Support Fund about an application form for the 2023/24 Household Support Fund.
Household Support Fund - Frequently Asked Questions've answered some of your frequently asked questions about the household support fund.
Request a permanent traffic signal switch-out to make a request for permanent traffic signals to be switched out while work is carried out on the road.
Apply for a Pavement Cafe Licence about applying for a Pavement Cafe Licence, the documents you need to submit and our application form.
Speed management we measure speeding on our roads, and steps we (or Parish/Town Councils) might take to make them safer.
Statement of Community Involvement out the process and methods for community involvement for different types of plans and for different stages of plan preparation.