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Ditch responsibilities explained to explain our position on ditch responsibility.
Examples of surface water drainage in rural areas Watercourse/ditch between properties Joint responsibility of the adjacent landowners 1 . 2. Verge Responsibility of the highway's authority. 3. Bridged a...
Examples of surface water drainage in urbanised areas Inappropriate discharge Connections should be direct to infiltration devices, watercourses or surface water sewers. Discharge into highway or combined/foul s...
Equality and diversity equality and valuing diversity in West Berkshire.
Flood investigation reports and core documents to and information about reports, strategies, policies and supporting documents relating to flood investigation.
Delivery of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) projects and annual reports the monitoring and reporting of CIL.
Responsibilities: ditches and riparian owners and guidance on the responsibilities of 'riparian' owners.
Journey Planning and Timetables local or long-distance journeys by bus, coach or train and check timetables.
Other support for armed forces communities from charities, government and other supporting organisations are set out below in relation to a number of military and other charities.
Brownfield Land Register list of previously developed sites that are available and potentially suitable for housing development across the district.