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Supporting fostering across West Berkshire is a way of providing a family life to a child unable to live at home. As a West Berkshire foster carer, you'll be part of a team of professionals hel...
New facility opens at Kennet Valley Primary School project at Kennet Valley Primary School to create a special facility for primary school children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and/or ...
Shaw House historic gate restoration and Tudor knot garden plans has been taking place over the last few months to restore the historic gates at Shaw House which were destroyed in an unfortunate incident last year. This ...
Boosting rural business in West Berkshire Berkshire Council has awarded just under £298,000 in grants to rural businesses, helping to drive the local economy and promote sustainability through the ...
Keeping West Berkshire moving: Better reads, safer journeys! are dedicated to enhancing the way we deliver services, with a strong focus on improving and maintaining our highways infrastructure. Our ongoing efforts hig...
Welcome spaces continue to grow Welcome Spaces are warm, comfy places where people can get together for company and a hot drink. They're a great place to socialise and keep in touch,...
Community Champion awards 2024 Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community. They honour those individ...
Supporting rough sleepers this winter cold weather we work hard to support rough sleepers by providing a warm place to stay. Our Winter Plan and Severe Weather Emergency Protocol, or SWEP, is...
Travel by bus for free over the festive season help you get ready for a jolly holiday season, we are once again offering free bus travel in West Berkshire! On Saturdays 16 November, 14 December and 21 De...
Using AI to improve local services - with people always in control West Berkshire Council we're starting to use artificial intelligence (AI) to assist our staff - making work more efficient and helping improve the services y...