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  • Blacknest Lane Appeal Inquiry Documents Library

    The inquiry documents library includes all relevant documents that were reviewed and accepted by the inspector during the course of the inquiry.

  • Funding your care - self-funders

    Advice and help for people who pay for their own care

  • About Greenfield House Resource Centre

    A purpose-built resource centre providing services for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and for those with frailty and dementia.

  • Requesting an assessment/review of care

    - If you are a professional and would like to make a referral, you can do so by completing our 'Ask for help' form .  - If you are worried about someone's safet...

  • Speaking at a planning committee

    About speaking at a planning committee if you are the applicant, agent, parish/town councillor or have commented on an application.

  • Listed Building Consent: Design and Access Statements

    A Design and Access Statement is required for applications for Listed Building Consent.

  • Support for Carers

    Finding sources of guidance, advice and support for carers in West Berkshire.

  • Community Alarms and Technology Enabled Care (TEC)

    Technology Enabled Care (TEC) monitoring and response services to help support vulnerable people at home

  • Biodiversity and the Natural Environment

    Find out about Biodiversity Duty, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), Nutrient Neutrality, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and the Natural Solution Delivery Partner...

  • Educational Psychology in Schools, Colleges and Early Years

    Who we help Educational Psychologists work with mainstream pupils aged 0-18 and pupils with EHCs aged 0-25. This could include those:  at risk of permanent excl...

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