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Getting Involved in Reviewing Council Decisions opportunity to express views on issues currently under review by scrutiny.
Making a Complaint about the Conduct of Elected Councillors Codes of Conduct, and how to complain about the conduct of elected councillors.
Councillors' Declarations of Interests have to declare any interests, gifts or hospitality they receive that could influence decisions they make.
West Berkshire Community Municipal Investment (CMI) in a greener future for West Berkshire.
Community Champion Awards - 2020 Winners are proud to announce the 2020 winners of our Community Champions Awards to recognise the valuable contribution local individuals and groups make to West Ber...
Community Champion Awards - 2021 Winners Community Champion Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to people who have done something special for their local community and honours those individu...
Every Mind Matters to West Berkshire to look after your mental health.
Falls Prevention advice and guidance to prevent falls in your home.
Health and Wellbeing in Schools Programme the delivery of the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
New Residents: Health and Wellbeing Information to help people who are new to West Berkshire to access further information about health and wellbeing.