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Running in West Berkshire (Run Together) out more about Run Together, a free running groups especially for beginners in West Berkshire.
Blacknest Lane Appeal Inquiry Documents Library inquiry documents library includes all relevant documents that were reviewed and accepted by the inspector during the course of the inquiry.
Funding your care - self-funders and help for people who pay for their own care
About Greenfield House Resource Centre purpose-built resource centre providing services for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and for those with frailty and dementia.
Requesting an assessment/review of care If you are a professional and would like to make a referral, you can do so by completing our 'Ask for help' form . - If you are worried about someone's safet...
Speaking at a planning committee speaking at a planning committee if you are the applicant, agent, parish/town councillor or have commented on an application.
Listed Building Consent: Design and Access Statements Design and Access Statement is required for applications for Listed Building Consent.
Support for Carers sources of guidance, advice and support for carers in West Berkshire.
Community Alarms and Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Enabled Care (TEC) monitoring and response services to help support vulnerable people at home
Biodiversity and the Natural Environment out about Biodiversity Duty, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), Nutrient Neutrality, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and the Natural Solution Delivery Partner...