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  • At risk of homelessness: how we can help

    How the housing team can help in different housing situations, if you're at risk of homelessness, including financial issues or a relationship breakdown.

  • Rough sleeping

    West Berkshire Council is committed to preventing and ending rough sleeping in the area.

  • What to do after a homelessness decision

    Guidance on what happens next after we've made a decision on your homelessness application, including what to do if you disagree with our decision.

  • The Homelessness Reduction Act (2017)

    Information about the Homelessness Reduction Act (2017), what duties we have as a council and how this impacts homelessness applications.

  • Private renting: illegal eviction, retaliatory eviction and harassment

    Guidance on your rights as a private tenant if your landlord is illegally or retaliatory evicting you, or harassing you.

  • Statement of Persons Nominated for Inkpen Parish (Adobe pdf files)

    STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED West Berkshire District Council Election of a Parish Councillor The following is a statement of the persons nominated for electio...

  • Building Control Solutions

    Building Control Solutions is a partnership between the Building Control Services of West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council

  • Submit a building regulations application

    Submit your application for a building notice, full plans, regularisation, demolition or reversion application online.

  • Apply for a demolition notice

    Give notice of intention to demolish a structure.

  • Submit a building notice for domestic electrical works

    If you're doing electrical work then tell us about it.

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