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Search results
Conservation areas: planning advice advice for development in a conservation area.
Outline planning permission and reserved matters out what outline planning permission and reserved matters are, how to apply and where to find further information.
Planning enforcement: our response to breaches of planning control of action we can take to remedy breaches of planning control.
Planning appeals about appealing against a planning application decision.
Planning enforcement to report possible planning breaches, and how your complaint is handled.
Sandleford Appeal inquiry documents library this page you can find all the inquiry documents (prefixed ID). These were reviewed and accepted by the inspector during the course of the inquiry. You can v...
Sustainable construction and energy efficiency requirements for new development, non-residential and residential.
Planning applications: your personal data, our disclaimer and copyright your personal data, our disclaimer and information about copyright.
Site visits by a planning officer about what a site visit by a planning officer involves, as part of the planning application process.
Sandleford Appeal core documents library is the core documents library. This includes all relevant documents (core documents pre-fixed CD), pre-dating the opening of the Inquiry. You can also fin...