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Appellant - Grounds of Appeal - Document 3 (Adobe pdf files) 3 View of the track looking north towards A to D on the plan attached to the Enforcement Notice Enforcement Appeal: Land at Hayward Farm/Lake House Vie...
Appellant - Grounds of Appeal - Document 2 (Adobe pdf files) -
Appellant - Grounds of Appeal - Document 5 (Adobe pdf files) - Grounds of Appeal - Document 5
Planning inquiries and informal hearings inquires and informal hearings, and information and document libraries for current, previous, and upcoming inquiries and hearings.
Read the current Local Plan out more about what the Local Plan is and how we use it as part of the overall Development Plan for West Berkshire
Register for the Planning Policy Consultation Database out how to get involved in the Local Plan and other Planning Policy documents
Cold Ash NDP SEA/HRA Screening Report - Final (29 November 2022) (Adobe pdf files) ASH NDP SEA/HRA SCREENING REPORT - FINAL (29 NOVEMBER 2022) Cold Ash NDP SEA/HRA Screening Report - Final (29 November 2022) Cold Ash NDP SEA/HRA Screening...
Representations to the Officer Proposed Recommendation on the SM NDP (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council response to the consultation on the proposed officer recommendation that the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) sho...
Examiners proposed recommendations to the Stratfield Mortimer NDP (Adobe pdf files) of modifications to the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan Ref Page/Chapter/ Modification Justification Examiner Paragraph report number paragraph ...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (Jan 2017) (Adobe pdf files) MORTIMER NDP LANDSCAPE SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT (JAN 2017) Stratfield Mortimer NDP Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (Jan 2017) Stratfield Mortimer NDP ...