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About the Hungerford Resource Centre purpose-built resource centre providing services for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and for those with frailty and dementia
Fostering South East events and join us at one of our events for Fostering South East.
Are you a foster carer? are pleased to announce that at the start of July we will be joining 19 other local authorities to launch a new regional fostering recruitment hub.
New regional recruitment hub launches are pleased to announce that today (8 July) we are joining 19 other local authorities in launching a new regional fostering recruitment hub.
Prior approval and notification of change of use applications are for prior approval and change of use.
A Flying Start with Letters and Sounds Flying Start with Letters and Sounds is a multi-sensory, systematic, synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department of Education.
A Flying Start to School your child to have a Flying Start to school life.
Schools Finance West Berkshire Scheme for Financing Schools provides the framework for the financial relationship between the Local Authority and all schools maintained by ...
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