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Step by step guide to the Heritage Gateway to search for historic environment information, including data in the West Berkshire HER, on the Heritage Gateway portal.
The West Berkshire Historic Environment Record (HER) primary index of the physical remains of past human activity in West Berkshire.
The Heritage in West Berkshire Report work being done to highlight, promote and understand heritage assets in our parishes (2015)
Local Offer: a healthy lifestyle to further advice and services that can help you and your family enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Historic Environment Projects and Research Archaeology Service has been involved with research projects across the District, working with different partners
Managing the Historic Environment for communities and landowners on managing, protecting, understanding and enhancing heritage sites in West Berkshire
Looking into West Berkshire's Past involved in discovering, preserving and protecting the manmade heritage of the District
Village, Town and Parish Design Statements (VDS) Design Statements (VDS) are produced by the community to identify local character and set out design guidance to help guide new development.
Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) for housing sites.
Compton Neighbourhood Plan of a Neighbourhood Plan for Compton.