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Community Right to Bid to preserve your local shop, pub, or more
Close pass on the close pass laws, setting out advice and fines for passing too close to cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians on the road.
About Self-build and Custom Build Housing you are considering building your own home, then please register your interest with us. Your registration provides the Council with an understanding of the d...
Blocked driveways and obstructions to do if your driveway is frequently blocked or obstructed by parked cars.
Road safety resources and apps for children, young people and adults, to help you learn about and practice road safety.
Permanent and experimental traffic regulation orders we can regulate or restrict the public highway, either permanently or experimentally (for up to 18 months).
New tourist and directional signs to apply to have tourist or directional signs installed on the public highway.
Stories That Inspire the stories that inspire.
Find Adult Social Care Policies and Procedures index of Adult Social Care policies, procedures and information
The Virtual School: previously looked after children support for previously looked after children in West Berkshire.