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Therapeutic Approaches schools to begin their Therapeutic Approaches journey they must first train either the Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team to become a Th...
Nature for Health is based part-time at the historic Shaw House, where she tends to the Community Garden with support from local volunteers.
Stockcross Cycle Path is one of the engineers who worked on the completion of the Stockcross Linkway, a cycle path connecting one of West Berkshire's rural villages with Newbur...
Northcroft Lido Lido has been a part of West Berkshire's leisure offer for over 150 years.
Changes to European Union Citizens eligibility to vote and candidacy rights 7 May 2024, following the UK's departure from the European Union, voting rights for EU citizens have changed and are no longer automatically entitled to re...
School Governors and Clerks and guidance for governors and clerks
Who we are Berkshire Council serves as the local government authority for the West Berkshire district, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all its resident...
What we do for West Berkshire Council is more than just a job; it's an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the people and communities we serve.
Care Quality that care providers are delivering a good service.
Social Value Policy out more about our Social Value Policy and what it is for