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Educational Psychology in Schools, Colleges and Early Years we help Educational Psychologists work with mainstream pupils aged 0-18 and pupils with EHCs aged 0-25. This could include those: at risk of permanent excl...
Schools Forum Berkshire's Schools Forum.
West Berkshire Council Productivity Plan 2024-25 or download the West Berkshire Council Productivity Plan for 2024 to 2025.
Submitting CIL form 1 as part of a planning application about when the 'CIL Planning Application Additional Information Requirement (PAAIR) Form' is required as part of a Planning Application submission.
Planning applications: guide to decisions and delegated powers out about our scheme of delegation, system of delegation and area committees for deciding planning applications.
Planning decisions we make planning decisions by 'delegated authority', or a decision by Planning Committee.
Local listing in West Berkshire: process description (adopted 27th September 2012) the process of managing and adding heritage assets to the local list works in West Berkshire.
Useful Parking Information about different types of parking in West Berkshire.
Educational Psychology Service: information for families positive outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) potential land for housing and economic development in West Berkshire.