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Preparing for Hot Weather to help you plan ahead during the warmer months.
Other Mobility Information to information about mobility and extra help from elsewhere on our website.
Permission to Deposit a Skip on the Highway - S.139 Permission information about and apply for permission to deposit a skip on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
West Berkshire Local Plan Review to 2039 Local Plan Review will set out the planning policies for West Berkshire to 2039.
Renew your library loans your loans up to four times.
Council Strategy and performance plan, goals and priorities, and how we report progress.
Report a Broken Streetlight us about streetlights that have stopped working, are flickering or are on during the day.
Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (B) responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information h...
Community preparedness preparedness information for community groups, parish councils, and town councils.
Overseas conflict are a number of conflicts overseas which may be feeling close to home for children and families who have strong connections with the countries involved.