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Your Questions Answered: Pedestrianisation (Adobe pdf files) FAQs Why has the decision been taken to pedestrianise the town centre? Centre Government has advised local authorities to take the necessary s...
WBC NP Advice Note 1 - Overview of Neighbourhood Planning (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 1: Overview of neighbourhood planning 1 Overview of neighbourhood planning 1. Overview of neighbourhoo...
WBC NP Advice Note 6 - Neighbourhood planning procedures (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 6 - Neighbourhood planning procedures West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 6: Neighbourhood planning procedures 1 Neighb...
WBC NP Advice Note 4 - Establishing a steering group (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 4 - Establishing a steering group Wet Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 4: Establishing a steering group 1 Establishing a ...
WBC NP Advice Note 7 - Developing a vision & objectives (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 7 - Developing a vision & objectives West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 7: Developing a vision and objectives 1 Develo...
WBC NP Advice Note 2 - Differences between neighbourhood plans & other community plans (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 2 - Differences between neighbourhood plans & other community plans West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 2: Differences ...
WBC NP Advice Note 8 - Generating options (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 8 - Generating options West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 8: Generating options 1 Generating options 1. Why consider o...
WBC NP Advice Note 3 - Cost of producing neighbourhood plans (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 2: Cost of producing neighbourhood plans 1 Cost of producing neighbourhood plans 1. Introduction 1.1. ...
WBC NP Advice Note 5 - Designating a Neighbourhood Area (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 5 - Designating a Neighbourhood Area West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 5: Designating a Neighbourhood Area 1 Designat...
Completed Criteria Listing Form- Marsh Lane Allotments (Adobe pdf files) C - Summary of Listing Process for Summary of Listing Process for Asset of Community Value Site: Marsh Lane Allotments, Marsh Lane, Hungerford, RG17 0Q...