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Young people: how to ask for help know it can be hard to ask for help - that's why we're here for you.
Testimonials what people say about the support they have received. Over the past four years, the EHA traded service has provided support to over 3,000 children and yo...
Events deliver a range of programmes in the community for parents and young people, including sessions around anxiety, behavioural difficulties and emotional wellbe...
EHA Traded Service for Schools the EHA help children and young people at your school?
EHA Consultancy for Local Councils and CCGs up an Emotional Health Triage (EHT) or Emotional Health Academy (EHA) in your local area
Contact the Emotional Health Academy Enquiries For general enquiries, please contact the Emotional Health Triage who will redirect your query. Emotional Health Triage Phone: 01635 519018 ...
About the Emotional Health Academy (EHA) vision is to ensure children and young people with emotional health difficulties receive early support, in order to prevent issues escalating and to reduce ...
Central Family Hub hub currently runs activities in different places, please see our booking information below, for further information.
East Family Hub hub currently runs activities in different places, please see our booking page for further information.
West Family Hub see the sessions available at the West Family Hub, please see our booking page, linked below, for further information.