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plan of the renewal (Adobe pdf files) for the renewal of pavement license for Old Waggon and Horses
application (Adobe pdf files) application form for pavement license renewal for the Hatchet Inn Newbury
Appendix 2 Baseline Information (Adobe pdf files) 2 BASELINE INFORMATION Appendix 2 Baseline Information Appendix 2 Baseline Information
Appendix 3 Relevant Plans and Programmes (Adobe pdf files) 3 RELEVANT PLANS AND PROGRAMMES Appendix 3 Relevant Plans and Programmes Appendix 3 Relevant Plans and Programmes
Appendix 4 Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policies (Adobe pdf files) 4 SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF DRAFT POLICIES Appendix 4 Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policies Appendix 4 Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policie...
Annual Statement of Accounts 2020-2021 (Adobe pdf files) STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2020-2021 Annual Statement of Accounts 2020-2021 Annual Statement of Accounts 2020-2021
Stockcross Active Travel Path - detailed plans (July 2023) (Adobe pdf files) R R RR bol ram p ramp R R R End Orchard TCB (dis) PO57 Pi ne w oo d Ba rh am Pa nt ai 43 38 Th e W en lo ck Sc rib bl in gs H ou se Holly House 50 W av er ne...
FAQs on street residential electric vehicle charging points Jul23 (Adobe pdf files) on street residential electric vehicle charging points Which streets will receive chargepoints? Local residents, Councils and Councillors have contacted th...
Trinity Summer HAF Programme (Adobe pdf files) Humans ClubStrong Humans Club “It is our guiding principle that student achievement is at the heart of all we do” Personal Excellence and Collective Resp...
PSPO at Speen Lodge - Draft Discharge Order (Adobe pdf files) ORDER West Berkshire District Council The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 The West Berkshire District Council (Speen Lodge Court, Speen...