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Assured care and support a reliable, vetted and approved carer or and support worker.
The Virtual School role of a Virtual School is to support and improve the educational outcomes for a range of vulnerable young people, primarily children in care.
The Virtual School: attachment and trauma training for professionals about our Virtual School training offer, which can help a range of adults to support vulnerable children in schools.
The Virtual School: Children with a Social Worker and guidance to support the educational outcomes for children who have a social worker.
The Virtual School: Personal Education Planning (PEP) information about Personal Education Planning for Children in Care.
The Virtual School: about us out more about our Virtual School Team and how we meet our duties.
The Virtual School: children in kinship care to support the educational outcomes of children living in Kinship Care arrangements.
The Virtual School: Pupil Premium Plus and guidance to support the effective use of Pupil Premium plus funding in schools.
The Virtual School: Children in Care support for children in care in West Berkshire.
West Berkshire DPH Annual Report 2024 (Adobe pdf files) Health in West Berkshire Our Ambitions, Our Journey Annual Report 2023-24 Prof Dr John R Ashton C.B.E. Interim Director of Public Health, 2023-24. Conten...