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The Community Café by Mary Lapworthé-by-Mary-LapworthEntering the library clutching overdue books, Gives me a cause to check out the Community Café. I need to make some friends here.... But its probably not my thi...
Gone Away by Nigel Wylie's gone away And at last I can put things where they should go. Stack the dishwasher PROPERLY. Wind the vacuum cord Without tangles. So many things she...
This is me by Carol Healey is me Struggling to see The wood for the trees. This is me Who else could it be Its me, do you see. This is me Falling down down Trying not to drown. ...
Alone-ness by Anne White that the phone? Or did my ears deceive? A text, perhaps- a word I might receive Is that the postman? any letter, please, Would fill a moment's emptiness wit...
Alone by Pam Holbrook voice goes unheard However loud she shouts She seems invisible Small and insignificant Nose pressed against the window Watching the scene inside unfolding...
Being Lonely by Lesley Cave'm sitting here watching television, It's on all day, I have nowhere else to go or see, I hear voices and footsteps outside, I'm in here I want to shout, Pleas...
Being Here by Andy Calloway"What's on your mind today?" she asked, "Oh, you know," I said, "the usual mix; Things that I shouldn't stress about, Things nobody can fix. The hopeless hopes,...
Distance by Phil French girl sat on the waiting bus Whence all but she had fled. She felt alone, conspicuous. Shy thoughts ran through her head. A lad got on. "From what I see," S...
'Born in '66' by Anonymous this era of connectivity And life's longevity Why am I so alone? And for how long? Nobody knows From the outside I have everything The mask doesn't slip The ...
Poems about finding refuge selected poems were submitted as part of the poetry in mind project. They are themed around Finding Refuge.