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Adult Social Care - Information Leaflets

Leaflet library for Adult Social Care information.

This brochure provides an overview of West Berkshire Council's adult social care information leaflets and booklets.

If you would like:

  • to talk to someone about care and support
  • a paper copy of any of these leaflets
  • information in an alternative format or translation

please contact Adult Social Care on: 01635 503050, or email:

Click the leaflet headings below to find further details:

1_Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care - Working with you to understand your needs and circumstances

This leaflet explains the ways in which we help with care and support.

Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Services - Working with you to understand your needs and circumstances - Large Print version [1MB]

Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Services - Working with you to understand your needs and circumstances - A5 Booklet version [141KB]

Leaflet owner: Adult Social Care


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1_Adult Social Care - Easy Read
Adult Social Care - Working with you to understand your needs and circumstances - Easy Read

This leaflet explains the ways in which we help with care and support.

Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Services - Working with you to understand your needs and circumstances - Easy Read [354KB]

Leaflet owner: Adult Social Care


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2_Adult Abuse is everybody's business
Adult Abuse is everybody's business

This leaflet explains what to do if you suspect a vulnerable adult is being abused.

Icon for pdf Safeguarding Adults Leaflet - A5 booklet [1MB]

An easy read version is also available below.

Leaflet owner: Safeguarding Team


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3_Adult Abuse is everybody's business - Easy read
Adult Abuse is everybody's business - Easy Read

This leaflet explains what to do if you suspect a vulnerable adult is being abused.

Icon for pdf Safeguarding Adults Easy Read Leaflet [1MB]

You can raise a safeguarding alert online

Leaflet owner: Safeguarding Team


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4_Adult Social Care - Customer Charter
Adult Social Care - Customer Charter

What you can expect when you contact Adult Social Care - what our team will do and what we ask from you.

Icon for pdf Adult Social Care - Customer Charter - Large Print [787KB]

Leaflet owner: Adult Social Care


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6_West Berkshire Autism Partnership Board
West Berkshire Autism Partnership Board

This pack is for adults who have either received a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or for people who haven't received a formal diagnosis but suspect they might be autistic. Knowing what information and support is on offer and how to find it can be difficult.

Icon for pdf Information for adults living with an Autism Spectrum Condition in West Berkshire [1MB]

Leaflet owner: WB Autism Partnership Board


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8_Care homes and agencies - Berkshire Care Directory - Oct 2024
Care homes and agencies - Berkshire Care Directory

Icon for pdf Berkshire Care Directory [4MB]

Care homes & Home Care Agencies in the Berkshire area

Care Quality Commission monitor, inspect and regulate health and social care services.  Find inspection reports including ratings to help with choosing the right care.

Booklet published for 6 Unitary Authorities


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9_Care homes - West Berkshire Council
Care homes - West Berkshire Council

Use the links below to access information on the homes & leaflets.

Icon for pdf Birchwood Care Home Brochure [388KB]

Icon for pdf Notrees Care Home Service User Guide [507KB]

Icon for pdf Willows Edge Care Home Service User Guide [407KB]

Leaflet owner: Service Manager Responsive Care Providers


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10_Carers Information Booklet-Do you look after someone
Carers Information Booklet - Do you look after someone?

Web version of information for carers booklet including Help for Carers from West Berkshire Council and other organisations including the Reading and West Berkshire Carers Partnership hub.

Icon for pdf Information for Carers Booklet [2MB]

Booklet owner: Adult Social Care


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11_Carers Information gathering form - request an assessment
Carers Information gathering form - request an assessment

Carers assessments and working out what support you need.  This document provides a range of questions/prompts that may help you consider your caring role.

Icon for pdf Carers 'Understanding your Needs' Form [675KB]

Booklet owner: Adult Social Care


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31 Charges for your social care
Charges for your social care

Use the links below to access copies of the leaflets.

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes - Charging for Non-Residential Care [729KB]

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes - Charging for Non-Residential Care - Large Print [734KB]

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes - Charging for Residential Care [721KB]

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes - Charging for Residential Care - Large Print [725KB]

Icon for pdf Care Home Top Up Payments [172KB]

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes - Deferred Payment [539KB]

Icon for pdf Extra care housing and associated costs leaflet [1MB]

Icon for pdf Extra Care Housing and Associated Costs Leaflet - Large Print [1MB]

Link here :

For information on direct payments/personal budgets see page below

Leaflets owner: Diane Herd


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Image of Easy Read Leaflet - Guidance Notes - ASC charging
Charges for your social care - Easy Read

This leaflet explains how we work out if you should pay towards your care and support. 

Icon for pdf Guidance Notes in Easy Read - charges for your care [1MB]

It is a combined Easy Read version of:

  • Guidance Notes - Charging for residential and nursing care homes
  • Guidance Notes - Charging for non-residential care services

Leaflet owner: Diane Herd


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13_Complaints - we are listening
Complaints - we are listening

How to complain about or comment on adult social care services.

Icon for pdf Listening to Your Views - How to Complain About or Comment on Adult Social Care Services [140KB]

Download the leaflet above, or complete online.

Leaflet owner: Alison Lewthwaite


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14_Complaints - easy read version
Complaints - Easy Read version

How to complain about or comment on adult social care services.

Icon for pdf Easy Read Leaflet - How to Complain About or Comment on Adult Social Care Services [489KB]

Leaflet owner: Alison Lewthwaite


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15_Deputyship - Support to complete forms
Deputyship - Support to complete forms

Staff in West Berkshire Council's Deputyship Team can offer support to complete the Deputyship application form if you are unable to complete the form.

There is a cost for this service.

  • Deputyship Application - £408


Icon for pdf Form to request support completing Deputyship [113KB]

Leaflet owner: Senior Deputyship Officer


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16_Disabled Facilities Grants
Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) of up to £30,000 are available for work that's 'necessary and appropriate' to help a disabled person live more independently in their own home. The grants are available to both home owners and private tenants.

Icon for pdf Disabled Facilities Grant [1MB]

Icon for pdf Disabled Facilities Grant Leaflet - Large Print [1MB]

Tel: 01635 519680

Leaflet owner: Home Improvement Agency Officer


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17_Emotional Wellbeing - Your pocket guide to local Mental Health Services
Emotional Wellbeing - Your pocket guide to local Mental Health Services

A leaflet which folds down to a credit size card.

Icon for pdf Online mental health service directory June 2023 [3MB]

Leaflet owner: Rachel Johnson, Communities and Wellbeing


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18_Extra care housing schemes
Extra care housing schemes

Use the links below to access copies of the leaflets

Providing modern accommodation, on-site care and support facilities for people with a social care need.

Icon for pdf Redwood House Extra Care Scheme Brochure [3MB]

Icon for pdf Alice Bye Court Extra Care Scheme Brochure [8MB]

Icon for pdf Audrey Needham House Extra Care Scheme Brochure [907KB]

Leaflet owner: Respective Housing Associations


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19_Extra care housing and associated costs
Extra care housing and associated costs

There are three parts to the cost of living in an extra care scheme:

  • cost of housing, payable to the housing provider - the cost of buying, renting or shared ownership of your home
  • service charge, payable to the housing provider - for home maintenance and communal facilities
  • care and support costs, payable to West Berkshire Council

Icon for pdf Extra care housing and associated costs leaflet [1MB]

Icon for pdf Extra Care Housing and Associated Costs Leaflet - Large Print [1MB]

Leaflet owner: Diane Herd


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A screen shot of the first page of our hospital discharge leaflet.
Hospital discharge - care after leaving hospital in West Berkshire 

A leaflet that explains what happens with your care after you leave hospital.

Icon for pdf Care after hospital discharge in West Berkshire [331KB]

Leaflet owner: Ann Tubbs


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20_Managing with Deafness and Hearing Loss
Managing with Deafness and Hearing Loss

An information handbook for deaf and hard of hearing residents of West Berkshire.

Icon for pdf Handbook - Managing with deafness or hearing loss [608KB]

Call Sensory Needs Team on 01635 503704

Email :

Leaflet owner: Helen Hickey


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21_Managing with Sight Loss
Managing with Sight Loss

An information handbook for Visually Impaired residents of West Berkshire.

Icon for pdf Handbook - Managing with Sight Loss [573KB]

Call Sensory Needs Team on 01635 503704

Email :

Leaflet owner: Helen Hickey


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22_Personal Budgets info from West Berkshire Council
Personal Budgets from West Berkshire Council (often referred to as a direct payment)

Use the links below to access information leaflets

Direct Payments and other ways to use your Adult Social Care Personal Budget.

Icon for pdf Adult Personal Budgets - Direct Payments - What You Need to Know - Large Print [1MB]

Icon for pdf Adult Personal Budgets - Direct Payment Guide [249KB]

Icon for pdf Adult Personal Budgets - Direct Payment Agreement [313KB]

Leaflet owner: Mary Froom


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23_Resources Centres - WBC
Resources Centres - WBC

Use the links below to access Centre information & leaflets.

Icon for pdf Phoenix Centre Brochure [3MB] / 01635 520150

Icon for pdf Hungerford Resource Centre Brochure [3MB]  / 01488 682601

Icon for pdf Greenfield House Resource Centre brochure [3MB]  / 0118 943 2074

Leaflet owner: Resource Centre Managers


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5_Shared Lives
Shared Lives

Some people may need help to live independently and stay well. This leaflet explains what West Berkshire Shared Lives means for people in West Berkshire.

Icon for pdf What can Adult Placement Shared Lives do for you? [1MB]

Leaflet owner: Shared Lives Team


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A screen shot of the front page of our easy read Shared Lives Service User Guide.
Shared Lives - Service User Guide - Easy Read version

Some people may need help to live independently and stay well.  This Easy Read leaflet explains what West Berkshire Shared Lives is and how the service works for the user.

Icon for pdf West Berkshire Shared Lives Scheme Service Users Guide - Easy Read [5MB]

Leaflet owner: Shared Lives Team


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A screen shot of the first page of our easy read Shared Lives GDPR Guide
Shared Lives - GDPR Guide - Easy Read

Some people may need help to live independently and stay well. This Easy Read leaflet explains how West Berkshire Shared Lives keeps your information.

Icon for pdf West Berkshire Shared Lives Scheme GDPR Guide - Easy Read [2MB]

Leaflet owner: Shared Lives Team


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30_Single Handed Care Service
Single Handed Care service

This leaflet explains how our team can deliver a person-centred assessment of an individual's moving and positioning needs with the aim to enable one carer to deliver their care.

Icon for pdf Single Handed Care Leaflet - Large Print version [267KB]

Icon for pdf Single Handed Care Leaflet - A5 booklet version [662KB]

Leaflet owner: Review Team, Adult Social Care


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24_Technology Enabled Care (TEC)
Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service

Telecare, monitoring and response services to help support vulnerable people at home.

Icon for pdf Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service A5 booklet [1MB]

Icon for pdf Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service Leaflet - Large Print [88KB]

Icon for pdf Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Monitoring and Response Service Leaflet - Our Charges [80KB]

What is the best system for you? The Which website provides good information along with NHS England website

Leaflet owner: Adult Social Care


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25_Adult Social Care Transitions Team Information
Adult Social Care Transitions Team Information

Transition planning for disabled young people.

Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Transition Team - Information Leaflet [727KB]

Icon for pdf West Berkshire Council's Adult Social Care Transitions Guide 'Preparing for Adulthood/Transition' [474KB]

Use this link to access the Local Offer

Information available on the West Berkshire Directory

Leaflet owner: Magdelena Hove


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26_Your right to know
Your right to know - Requesting personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998

This handout explains your rights, as a user of Council services, how to access your personal information and to be provided with information about the uses to which it is put.

Icon for pdf Data Protection - Your Right to Know Leaflet [139KB]

Leaflet owner: Legal Services


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27_What do we do with your data
What do we do with your data?

We collect information to help us to arrange your care.  We only share your information with organisations we work with to meet your needs

Icon for pdf What do we do with your data in Adult Social Care [190KB]

Click here to find out more about how Adult Social Care use the data you give us.


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