Bullying at School
What to do if you suspect, witness or need to report bullying at a school in West Berkshire

You can find useful information about bullying at school on the GOV.UK website.
You can also access further information and advice from organisations such as the Anti-Bullying Alliance, Kidscape and Bullying UK.
Bullying can also take place over the internet. The UK Safer Internet Centre has more information on things you can do to prevent this and stay safe online.
Our advice is to:
- not ignore bullying, or agree to keep it a secret
- speak calmly with your child and offer reassurance
- encourage them to report future incidents to their teacher - there are things they can do to help
- contact your child's school and ask what they can do to help - keep in regular contact
- ask to see the school's anti-bullying policy (all schools must have an anti-bullying policy that sets out how it deals with incidents of bullying)
- make an appointment with the headteacher if things don't improve
- contact the school's Chair of Governors if you still need help