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Cost of Living: Health and wellbeing

An illustration with items relating to health, including a glass of water, apple, a dumbbell and a heart.

Mental health and money problems

You can find advice on how to manage money if you have mental health problems on the Mental Health and Money Advice website. The Money Helper website also has advice on money problems and mental wellbeing.

The Mental Health and Money Advice Cost of Living Hub contains lots of information to help people to look after their mental wellbeing and financial health, find new ways to save money and seek advice. 

Please find advice on local mental health services in West Berkshire on our Find Help and Support for Mental Health page.

Staying active and connected

The West Berkshire Directory has lots of information about local groups and activities to help you remain active and connected, whatever your age or interests - from activities at leisure centres and family hubs, to libraries and community centres.

You can find activities and groups on the West Berkshire Directory.

Healthcare costs

Find out if you are eligible for help with prescriptions, and whether buying a prescription certificate may help if you regularly need to pay for multiple prescriptions, on the Prescriptions and pharmacies page on the NHS website.

You can find details of the local patient transport service on the Berkshire West CCG website, as well as alternative options if you are not eligible.

Illness and disability

You can find out more about the financial help available if you have a long term illness, disability or are a carer using our interactive form.

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