Getting traction
Continuing to improve our process for onboarding new staff

Back in October 2022 we started to look at transforming how we onboard new staff.
This is the whole process, right from a manager asking for approval to employ someone, through to making sure a new member of staff has everything they need to start work on day one, all using one digital service and process.
We're pleased to say that we launched the first version to a few teams in December and are rolling it out across the organisation in January and February.
Whilst it's far from complete it has already automated some of the administrative tasks at the start of the process.
We're now working with colleagues in our Facilities and ICT teams to incorporate requests for access and ID cards, IT equipment, logins, phones, and phone numbers, as well as continuing to work closely with Human Resources.
You can see the process in development that we're currently testing below; another of example of the Digital Services team iteratively improving how our organisation works.

(the image of a train used on this page was taken by Shilpy Arora, published under (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence)