Farepaying Home to School Transport
For pupils who are not entitled to free home to school transport to apply for a spare seat on a school bus to school or college.
What is the Farepayer Scheme?
The Farepayer Scheme offers any spare seats on our school buses to school pupils and post-16 students who live in West Berkshire, and who are not eligible for free transport.
There's no guarantee of a place as we don't provide extra seats for farepayers. These are spare seats on existing services, offered on a discretionary basis.
Applications received after seats have been initially allocated are only approved subject to availability. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss.
For full details and prices please read the Fare Payer scheme 2024/25 for next academic year.
For pupils
Pupils should read the
as they'll be expected to follow this when using our transport.Post-16 students should also read Post-16 students: transport statement and the Post-16 travel guide.