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Council calls on Thames Water to do better for residents

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 15 May 2024 09:03
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Council calls on Thames Water to do better for residents

Read more about our response to flood-related sewage - including action we are taking and our letter to Thames Water.

Household support package for residents facing financial challenges

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 13 May 2024 13:44
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Household support package for residents facing financial challenges

Household Support Fund continues to help vulnerable households with significant rising living costs

Leader and Executive confirmed for 2024/25

Posted by: Family Placement Team Posted on: 10 May 2024 11:57
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Leader and Executive confirmed for 2024/25

New Executive confirmed at annual Council meeting

New Chairman of West Berkshire Council elected

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 10 May 2024 08:00
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to New Chairman of West Berkshire Council elected

Councillor Billy Drummond takes on the role of Chairman for 2024/25

Celebrate Foster Care Fortnight with us

Posted by: Family Placement Team Posted on: 09 May 2024 09:24
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Celebrate Foster Care Fortnight with us

Foster Care Fortnight (13 to 26 May) is an annual campaign set up by The Fostering Network to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives.

Acting Leader looks back on first year of new administration

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 08 May 2024 15:15
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Acting Leader looks back on first year of new administration

Councillor Jeff Brooks reflects on the highlights and achievements from previous year.

Theale proposed 20mph speed limit

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 08 May 2024 11:13
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Theale proposed 20mph speed limit

Have your say on reducing the speed limit in residential roads

Your West Berkshire - a new magazine from West Berkshire Council

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 07 May 2024 10:00
Categories: May 2024
An image relating to Your West Berkshire - a new magazine from West Berkshire Council

Find out more about our news, events and stories about our work, our achievements and the services which we provide.

Site visits planned following residents' sewage concerns

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 30 April 2024 09:30
Categories: April 2024
An image relating to Site visits planned following residents' sewage concerns

Latest site visits by Environmental Health and Highways teams come amid continuing concerns about exposure to sewage and other debris

Success in securing funding for our planning service

Posted by: Communications team Posted on: 03 April 2024 16:34
Categories: April 2024
An image relating to Success in securing funding for our planning service

Capita commissioned to help clear planning application backlog

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