Safeguarding Adults
We have safeguarding adults guidance, to help people identify an abusive situation, know what they can do about it and where to report it. We also have .
Concerned About an Adult Being Abused or Neglected?
Raise a Safeguarding Concern to get help for adults at risk of neglect, abuse or not being looked after properly
Report Suspected Abuse Against an Adult
Raising a safeguarding concern to investigate reports of abuse against adults who need help or support
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Safeguards for adults who may need to be deprived of their liberty to be safely cared for or treated
Safeguarding Adults Board and Review
Information about the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR)
Domestic Abuse
Information about support for those experiencing domestic abuse from our Building Communities Together Team
Safeguarding Adults: Guidance
Adult Abuse is Everybody's Business: What to do if you suspect an adult is subject to abuse or neglect.