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WBC Community Learning Fees Policy 2024-25 (Adobe pdf files) COMMUNITY LEARNING FEES POLICY 2024-25 WBC Community Learning Fees Policy 2024-25 WBC Community Learning Fees Policy 2024-25
WBC Community Learning Procurement Policy 2024-25 (Adobe pdf files) COMMUNITY LEARNING PROCUREMENT POLICY 2024-25 WBC Community Learning Procurement Policy 2024-25 WBC Community Learning Procurement Policy 2024-25
Virtual School request for advice 2024 (Documents) for advice from West Berkshire Virtual School Children Previously in Care | Children with a Social Worker | Children in Kinship Care Our extended duties...
Apply for an In-year School Place for a school place outside of the normal admissions timescales
Autism & ADHD Support Services (Adobe pdf files) MASDAS ASD and ADHD Websites Autism Berkshire | ``` West Berkshire Autism Team Provides useful information on autism for parents and th...
Enborne Governor Recruitment Flyer (Adobe pdf files) C of E Primary School Enborne Church of England Primary School believes that every child is a gift from God and, as such, our school is a place where th...
Out of year - in year request form (Documents) to apply for a year group that isn’t normal for the child’s age This form is for parents who are applying to change schools but would like their child t...
Secondary School Application- years 9 to 11 - In year admissions (Documents) SCHOOL APPLICATION- YEARS 9 TO 11 - IN YEAR ADMISSIONS Secondary School Application- years 9 to 11 - In year admissions Secondary School Application- ...
Secondary School Application- years 7 to 8 - In year admissions (Documents) SCHOOL APPLICATION- YEARS 7 TO 8 - IN YEAR ADMISSIONS Secondary School Application- years 7 to 8 - In year admissions Secondary School Application- ye...
In year coordinated scheme (Documents) Admissions Co-ordinated Scheme 2023/24 Introduction The LA are required to co-ordinate the in-year application process for Community and voluntary contr...